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Using the program developed at University of California at Berkeley, the papers are checke

d by using ______.

A.printing and looking carefully at hundreds of papers on the Internet

B.a search of many web pages and a comparison of words used

C.asking the student where they got the information in the paper

D.comparing all the papers which are turned in by the students

更多“Using the program developed at University of California at Berkeley, the papers are checke”相关的问题


The expression "play safe" probably means ______.A.to write carefullyB.to de as teachers s

The expression "play safe" probably means ______.

A.to write carefully

B.to de as teachers say

C.to use dictionaries frequently

D.to avoid using words one is not sure of



从下面提供的答案中选出应填入下列英文语句中______内的正确答案。 With the widespread use of the person


With the widespread use of the personal computer, many authorities in the field of(1)have point out need for computer literacy. Unfortunately, there is no(2)agreement as to what term "computer literacy" means. Some feel that computer literacy means knowing how to make the computer "compute"; that is,knowing how to program computers in one or more programming languages.

Others feel that knowing how to program is merely a small segment of computer literacy. These people(3)the major emphasis in schools should be on teaching how to effectively use the many software packages that available. Still others suggest that computer literacy education is not required. They suggest that computers are being so rapidly integrated into our society that using a computer will be as(4)as using a telephone or a video tape recorder, and that special education will not be necessary.(5)of one's definition of computer literacy, it is recognized by most that learrung to use a computer is indeed an important skill in modern society.



从下面提供的答案中选出应填入下列英文语句中______内的正确答案。 You should be (1) of developing y


You should be(1)of developing your program, using something better than the method that uses the philosophy: write(2)down and then try to get it working. Surprisingly, this method is widely used today with the result that an average programmer on an average job(3)out only between five to ten lines of correct code per day. We hope your(4)will be greater. But to improve requires that you apply some discipline to the(5)of creating programs.



从供选择的答案中选出应填入下面一段英文中______内的正确答案。 File Transfer Protocol (FTP),a standard


File Transfer Protocol (FTP),a standard Internet protocol, is the simplest way to(1)exchange files between computers on the Internet. Like the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), which transfers displayable Web(2)pages and related files, and the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), which transfers e-mail, FTP is an(3)application protocol that uses the Internet's TCP/IP protocols. FTP is commonly used to transfer Web page files from their creator to the computer that acts as their(4)server for everyone on the Internet. It's also commonly used to(5)download programs and other files to your computer from other servers.

As a user, you can use FTP with a simple(6)command line interface (for example, from the Windows MS-DOS Prompt window) or with a commercial program that offers a graphical user(7)interface. Your Web browser can also make FTP requests to download programs you select from a Web page. Using FTP, you can also(8)update (delete, rename, move, and copy) files at a server. You need to logon to an FTP server. However, publicly available files are(9)easily accessed using anonymous FTP.

Basic FTP support is usually provided as part of a suite of programs that come with TCP/IP. However, any FTP(10)client program with a graphical user interface usually must be downloaded from the company that makes it.


1.download 2.exchange 3.update 4.interface 5.server

6.client 7.command 8.pages 9.easily 10.application



Programs and Programming 程序与编程 Computer programs, which are also called software, are instruc

Programs and Programming


Computer programs, which are also called software, are instructions that cause the hardware-the machines-to do work. Software as a whole can be divided into a number of categories based on the types of work done by programs. The two primary software categories are operating systems (system software), which controls the working of the computer, and application software, which addresses the multitude of tasks for which people use computers. System software, thus, handles such essential, but often invisible, chores as maintaining disk files and managing the screen. whereasc[1]application software performs word processing, database management, and the like. Two additional categories that are neither system nor application software, although they contain elements of both, are network software, which enables groups of computers to communicate, and Ianguage software, which provides programmers with the tools they need to write programs. In addition to these task_based[2]categories, several types of software are described based on their method of distribution. These include the so-called canned programs or packaged software, developed and sold primarily through retail ourlets; freeware and public domain software, which is made available without cost by its developer; shareware, which is similar to freeware but usually carries a small fee for those who like the program; and the infamous vaporware, which is software that either does not reach the market or appears much later than promised.

Operating Systems

Different types of peripheral devices, disk drives, printers, communications networks, and so on handle and store data differently from the way the computer handles and stores it. Internal operating systems, usually stored in ROM memory,[3]were developed primarily to coordinate and translate data flows from dissimilar sources, such as disk drives or coprocessors (processing chips that perform simultaneous but different operations from the central unit). An operating system is a master control program, permanently stored in memory, that interprets user commands requesting various kinds of services, such as display, print, or copy a data file, list all files in a directory, or execute a particular program.


Application is a computer program designed to help people perform a certain type of work. An application, thus. differs from an operating system (which runs a computer), a utility (which performs maintenance or general purpose chores), and a language (with which computer programs are created). Depending on the work for which it was designed, an application can manipulate text, numbers, graphics, or a combination of these elements. Some application packages offer considerable computing power by focusing on a single task, such as Wordpad[4]; others, called integrated software, offer somewhat less power but include several applications, such as Winword, Excel and Foxpro.


A program is a sequence of instructions that tells the hardware of a computer what operations to perform on data. Programs can be built into the hardware itself, or they may exist independently in a form known as software. In some specialized, or-dedicated- computers the operating instructions are embedded in their circuitry; common examples are the microcomputers found in calculators, wristwatches, automobile engines, and microwave ovens. A general purpose computer, on the other hand, contains some built-in programs (in ROM) or instructions (in the processor chip), but it depends on external programs to perform useful tasks. Once a computer has been programmed, it can do only as much or as little as the software controlling it at any given moment enables it to do. Software in widespread use includes a wide range of applications programs-instructions to the computer on how to perform various tasks.

1. Application Program Interface

Application Program Interface is a set of routines that an application program uses to request and carry out lower level services performed by a computer's operating system. An application program carries out two types of tasks: those related to work being performed, such as accepting text or numbers input to a document or spreadsheet, and those related to maintenance chores, such as managing files and displaying information on the screen. These maintenance chores are performed by the computer's operating system, and an application program interface (API) provides the program with a means of communicating with the system, telling it which system level task to perform and when. On computers running a graphical user interface such as that on the Apple Macintosh, an API also helps application programs manage Window menus, icons, and so on. On local area networks, an API, such as IBMs NetBIOS, provides applications with a uniform means of requesting services from the lower levels of the network.

2. Word Processor

Word Processor is an application program for manipulating text-based documents; the electronic equivalent of paper, pen, typewriter, eraser, and most likely, dictionary and thesaurus. Word processors run the gamut from simple through complex,[5]but all ease the tasks associated with editing documents (deleting, inserting, rewording, and so on). Depending on the program and the equipment in use, word processors can display documents either in text mode, using highlighting, underlining, or color to represent italics, boldfacing, and other such formatting, or in graphics mode, wherein formatting and, sometimes, a variety of fonts appear on the screen as they will on the printed page. All word processors offer at least limited facilities for document formatting, such as font changes, page layout, paragraph indention, and the like. Some word processors can also check spelling, find synonyms, incorporate graphics created with another program, correctly align mathematical formulas, create and print form letters, perform calculations, display documents in multiple on screen windows, and enable users to record macros that simplify difficult or repetitive operations.


[1]whereas: 连接词,表示对比,翻译成“而”。如:We are working, whereas they are playing我们在干活,而他们却在玩。

[2]task-based: 以任务为依据的,基于任务的。

[3]ROM memory: ROM是read-only memory的简写形式,只读存储器。

[4]Wordpad, Winword, Excel, and Foxpro:一些应用软件的名字,分别用于文字处理、电子表格和数据库。

[5]Word processors run the gamut from simple through complex. 文字处理软件负责从简单到复杂的所有工作。



Assembly Language汇编语言Introducing Assembly Language Assembly language unlocks the secrets of you

Assembly Language


Introducing Assembly Language

Assembly language unlocks the secrets of your computer's hardware and software[1]. It teaches you about the way the computer's hardware and operating system work together and how application programs communicate with the operating system.

To understand a computer and it.s operating system fully, one needs to study software at various levels. One is the application program level, where such programs interact with DOS. Another is the high-level language level, where powerful statements are expanded into many machine instructions recognized directly by CPU (Central Processing Unit), as well as the way programs communicate with DOS.

What Is Assembly Language?

Assembly language is a programming language with a one-to-one correspondence between its statements and a computer's machine language. There is no single assembly language because there is no single type of computer CPU. Each assembly language is directly influenced by a computer's machine instruction set and hardware architecture.

Strictly speaking, IBM-PC assembly language refers to instructions recognized by the intel 8086-80486(CPU) microprocessor family. But there is such close interaction between the CPU, computer peripherals, the DOS operating system, and the macro assembler itself that our discussions will often include all these topics.

What Is An Assembler?

An assembler is a program that converts source-code programs into machine language. In this passage, we will refer to an assembler that generates machine instructions for IBM- compatible microcomputers. All such computers use the Intel family of microprocessors, beginning with the Intel 8088, through the Intel 80486 (and beyond). Our programs will run under the PC-DOS/MS-DOS operating system, version 3. 0 or later. The two best- known assemblers for the IBM-PC are MASM (Microsoft Assembler) and TASM (Borland Turbo Assembler).

Assembly language is a specific set of instructions for a particular computer system. It provides a direct correspondence between symbolic statements and machine language. An assembler is a program that translates a program written in assembly language into machine language, which may in turn be executed by the computer. Each type of computer has a different assembly language, because the computer's design influences the instructions it can execute.

Assembly language is called a low-level language because it is close to machine language in structure and function. We can say that each assembly language instruction corresponds to one machine instruction. In contrast, high-level languages such as Pascal[2], BASIC[3], FORTRAN[4], and COBOL[5]contain powerful statements that are translated into many machine instructions by a compiler.

Why Learn Assembly Language?

People learn assembly language for various reasons. The most obvious one may be to learn about the computer's architecture and operating system. You may want to learn more about the computer you work with and about the way languages generate machine code. Because of assembly language's close relationship to machine language, it is closely tied to the computer's hardware and software.

You may also want to learn assembly language for its utility. Certain types of programming are difficult or impossible to do in high-level language. For example, direct communication with the computer's operating system may be necessary. A high-speed color graphics program may have to be written using a minimum of memory space. A special program may be needed to interface a printer to a computer. Perhaps you will need to write a telecommunications program for the IBM-PC. Clearly, the list of assembly language applications is endless.

Often there is a need to remove restrictions. High-Ievel languages, out of necessity, impose rules about what is allowed in a program. For example, Pascal does not allow a character value to be assigned to an integer variable.[6] This makes good sense unless there is a specific need to do just that. An experienced programmer will find a way around this restriction or rule; nearly everything is left to the discretion of the programmer. The price for such freedom is the need to handle many details that would otherwise be taken care of by the programming language itself.

Assembly language's usefulness as a learning tool should not be underestimateD. By having such intimate contact with the operating system, assembly language programmers come to know instinctively is how the operating system works. This knowledge, coupled with knowledge of hardware and data storage, gives them a tremendous advantage when tackling unusual programming problems. They have a different viewpoint than programmers who know only high-level language.

Assembly Language Applications

At first, the assembly language programs presented later will seem almost trivial. Those new to assembly language often cannot believe the amount of work required to perform relatively simple tasks. The language requires a great deal of attention to detail. Most programmers don't write large application programs in assembly language. Instead, they write short, specific routines.

Often we write subroutines in assembly language and call them from high-level language programs. You can take advantage of the strengths of the high-level languages by using them to write applications. Then you can write assembly language subroutines to handle operations that are not available in the high-level language.

Suppose you are writing a business application program in COBOL for the IBM-PC. You then discover that you need to check the free space on the disk, create a subdirectory, write a file, and create overlapping windows, all from within the program. Assuming that your COBOL compiler does not do all this, you can then write assembly language subroutines to handle these tasks.

Let's use another example: you might have written a word processing program in C[7]or Pascal, but it performs slowly when.updating the screen display. If you knew how, you could write routines in assembly language to speed up critical parts of the application and allow the program to perform up to professional standards.

Large application programs written purely in assembly language, however, are beyond the scope of the person who has just finished this book. There are many people who write complete assembly language application program for the IBM-PC. The few programmers in this group are familiar with several machine architectures and assemblers, and have been programming professionally for at least several years. These fortunate individuals still had to start with a basic foundation, and this book is intended to help you acquire just that.

Above all, assembly language programmers must know their date, for without a detailed understanding of how each date type is stored(at the bit level) , one might make serious mistakes. High-Ievel programming languages intentionally shield programmers from implementation-specific details, in the name of convenience and source-code portability. Assembly language, in contrast, is highly machine-specific and imposes few, if any, restrictions.

Machine Language

Before we embark on a rather long and detailed study of assembly language, let's put it into perspective. A computer doesn't actually understand assembly language-it understands machine language. Machine language is a language made up of numbers, which can be interpreted by a computer's CPU. A CPU usually has a small program embedded directly in the chip, called microcode. The microcode interpreter translates machine instructions directly into hardware signals.

Machine language makes it possible for the CPU to perform ordinary tasks, such as moving numbers or performing arithmetiC. Each CPU has its own machine language; or, in the case of IBM-compatible computers, all CPUs that belong to the intel family (8088, 8086,80186,80286,80386,80486) share a common machine language. This is an example of a machine language instruction that moves 5 into the AL register: 10110000 00000101. The number is written in binary, a number system made up of only the digits 1 and 0. The first 8 bits are the operation code (op code), which identifies it as the instruction that moves an 8-bit number to the AL register. The second 8 bits are the operand[8]. The complete instruction moves the number 5 to a register called AL. Registers are high-speed storage locations inside the CPU. They are identified by two-letter names, such as AH, AL, or AX.

A CPU's instructions set is the set of machine instruciions that the CPU is able to execute. For the Intel CPU family, the instruction set is downward-compatible, meaning that an instruction that works on a lower-level processor will always work on a higher-level processor. For example, the MOV instruction[9]works on the 8088, and therefore must work on the 80286. But there are many advanced instructions for the 80286 that do not work on the 8088.

At one time, all programs were written in machine language. But it's easy to see that machine instructions are difficult for humans to read and write. This is why assemblers and compilers were created, which would convert more readable instructions, created by a text editor, into machine language. Instead of writing the machine instruction shown earlier, we would write the following in assembly language:

M o v ah, 5


[1]unlocks the secrets:揭开了……奥秘。

[2]Pascal(Philips Automatic Sequence Calculator):菲利浦自动顺序计算机语言。

[3]Basic(Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code):初学者通用符号指令码。

[4]Fortran(Formula Translator):公式翻译程序设计语言,FORTRAN语言。

[5]COBOL(Common Business-Oriented Language):面向商业的通用语言,COBOL语言。

[6]For example,Pascal does not allow a character value to be assigned to an integer variable.例如,Pascal语言就不允许给一个整变量赋予字符值。



[9]Mov instruction:数据传输指令。

Say whether the following is true or not:



The Major Currencies in the World The currencies of the world's major economies have names and

The Major Currencies in the World

The currencies of the world's major economies have names and backgrounds that are as diverse as the countries themselves.

The dollar is the name for the currency used in many countries including the United States , Canada, and Australia. It gets its name from a silver coin minted during the Middle Ages in a small valley, or "Thal" , in Bohemia called Joachimathal. Just a sausage Frankfurt called "Joachimsthaler" or simply " Thaler" , and came to be called " dollar" in English.

The pound, used in Britain, Egypt, and Lebanon among others, refers to the weight used in determining the value of coins, based on precious metals such as gold or sterling. The penny has the same origin as the word pawn,found in terms such as pawn shop , and originally meant "to pledge". A penny , like any currency , is a " pledge " of value.

In Italy and Turkey , the currency is called lira. The word is based on the Latin lira, meaning "pound" and once again referring to the weight of the original coins.

In Spanish , the word meaning " weight" , peso is used to describe the coins that were based on a certain weight of gold or silver. Originally,there were gold coins called peso de oro and silver ones called peso de plata. In Spain , the currency is called peseta, meaning "small peso". The word peso is used to describe the currency in many Spanish-speaking countries in Latin America.

In Denmark, Norway, and Sweden, the word for crown-krone in Denmark and Norway,krona in Sweden-is used to describe the currency that was originally minted by the king and queen,with royal crowns stamped on the earlier coins. Today,the crown has been replaced by other symbols , but the name remams.

The franc,used in France, Switzerland, and other countries and territories,is based on the early coins used in France, that bore the Latin inscription franconium rex , meaning "king of the Franks". The com, as well as the country, took its name from one of the original tribes that settled in the area, the Franks.

The German mark and Finnish markka derive their name from the small marks that were cut into coins to indicate their precious metal content. The German mark, deutsche mark in German ,is often called by its shortened name , D-mark.

The ancient Chinese word yuan meant "round", or "round thing". The name of the Japanese currency, the yen, and the name of the Chinese currency, the yuan , both derived from the old Chinese word,refer to the round shape of the original coins.

Problem may arise when using the plural forms of these currencies. Most take the English plural "s", for example , pounds , dollars , francs , Deutschmarks , etc. However , some are invariable: yuan, yen, baht, and rand. Others keep the plural form of the language spoken in the country of origin: lira-lire , krone-kroner, krona-kronor , markka-markkaa , etc.

Currencies are said to be convertible or invertible. Semi-convertible currencies can only be bought or sold through a country's central bank for documented commercial transactions. The exchange rates are fixed. Semi-convertible currencies are typical of third world countries.

A hard currency is one which is strong and unlikely to fall in value. A soft currency is one from a country with a week balance of payments and for which there is little demand.

Questions for reading :



将下列英语译成中文(只可使用词典): Programming Languages Ten years ago the proliferation of program


Programming Languages

Ten years ago the proliferation of programming languages caused many people to foresee the development of a computer-age Babel where, in total ignorance of every other language, each programmer would learn only his own chosen language. That unhappy situation has not occurred for several reasons. First, effective efforts have been made to standardize particular languages such as Fortran and Cobol. It should be pointed out that pragmatic rather than scientific considerations motivated this standardization movement. However, the second reason that Babel has been averted is that computer scientists have begun to apply the scientific method to organize the classification, comparison, and appreciation ofvarious programming languages.

Due to the efforts of McCarthy (1962), Landin (1964), Strachey (1966), Wegner (1968), and others who provided insight into operational models of computation, we can now evaluate programming languages in terms of an unifying view of computation structures. Semantics and the expressive power resulting from modularity can now be studied in terms of the data structures and the accessing paths to them established during the execution of the control statements of the language.

Integrated Software

Convenience and saved time, work, and effort are the promises ofintegrated software. The antithesis of stand-alone packages, integrated software delivers a collection of applications based upon a common user interface and sharable data.

In its most common form, the integrated product includes a word processor,a spreadsheet, and some form of database. Many packages add telecommunications, presentation graphics, and outline modules. Comprehensive products throw in desktop accessories such as calculators, calendars, DOS shells, and other utilities.

Even when stand-alone products are from the same vendor, it can be frustrating trying to move information between applications or simply trying to remember which key to press to call up the menu, That is why integrated packages appeal to many users, particularly novices. Using an integrated product saves you the headache of trying to move data in a Brand X word processor to a Brand Y spreadsheet. And because the integrated package is a single product from a single vendor, training, support, and upgrades also are made simpler. [试题解析]



Computer Viruses 计算机病毒 Introduction A computer virus is a piece of software programmed to pe

Computer Viruses



A computer virus is a piece of software programmed to perform one major task: to replicate. Viruses accomplish their reproductive task by preying on other computer files, requiring a host program[1]as a means of survival. Viruses gain control over their host in various ways, for example by attaching their infected code to the end of a host program and misguiding the header information at the beginning of the file so that it points toward itself rather than the legitimate program. Therefore, when an infected host program is run, the virus gets executed before the host. The host program can be almost anything: an application, part of the operating system's, part of the system boot code, or a device driver. The virus continues to spread, moving from file to file in this infectious manner.

In addition to its propagation mission, many viruses contain code whose purpose is to cause damage. In some viruses, this code is activated by a trigger mechanism.[2]A trigger condition may be linked to the number of times the host file is run, or it could be a response to a particular date, time or random number. In other cases, the damage could occur continuously or on a random basis. Of the 11,000 known viruses present today, more than 2,000 have been diagnosed as being data destructive.

Types of Viruses

Several types of viruses exist and are classified according to their propagation patterns.

1. Executable File Infectors

These viruses spread infection by attaching to an executable file, misdirecting the header information, and executing before the host file. It is very common for these viruses to load themselves into memory once their infected host file is launched. From there, they monitor access calls, infecting programs as executed.

2. Boot Sector Infectors

This type of virus overwrites the original boot sector, replacing this portion of code with itself, so it is the first to load and gain control upon system boot, even before DOS. In order for boot block viruses to replicate, it is usually necessary to boot the computer from an infected floppy disk. Upon system boot, the virus will jump from the infected floppy disk to the hard disks partition table.

3. Partition Table Infectors

These viruses attack the hard disk partition table by moving it to a different sector and replacing the original partition table with its own infectious code. These viruses will then spread from the partition table to the boot sector of floppy disks as floppies are accessed. 4. Memory Resident Infectors

Many viruses load themselves into memory while altering vital system services. For example, some viruses modify the operating system's Execute Program service in such a way that any executed program is immediately infected. Other viruses modify the operating system in order to camouflage their existence. These viruses are called Stealth Viruses.

Why Are Viruses Written?

Bulgaria is often referred to as the "Virus Factory" because the country accounts for the highest percentage of new virus creation. Several cultural factors attribute to this state. Primarily, the country offers no software copyright protection, so legitimate software programmers are not rewarded financially for their work. And there are no laws in place to prohibit the authorship of new viruses. In fact, virus source code is often posted on international bulletin boards for anyone to access. Certainly, this is not the case in the United States, so why do we maintain the second highest level of virus authorship? Today's viruses are being written to attack a specific person, company or program. There are countless stories of disgruntled employees who seek vengeance by writing viruses to attack their former employer's computer system.

How Are Viruses Transmitted?

Because a virus is nothing more than a piece of software, it can be acquired in the same way as legitimate programs. Viruses have reportedly been transmitted through shrink- wrapped retail software.[3]Unsuspecting sales representatives often act as carriers by demonstrating infected programs. Newly purchased computers, which had their hard disks formatted by service technicians, have been returned with viruses. These pests travel over phone lines through programs sent by modem. Bulletin boards do occasionally transmit viruses. The most common means of contracting a virus, however, is through the use ot floppy disks. Piracy of software, in particular, expedites viral spread, as do floppy disks traveling from one computer to another.

We Are All at Risk

All personal computer users are at risk for viral infection. Several events, trends and technological inroads have combined in the past few years to increase our vulnerability to infection. The proliferation of local area networks, the downloading of information from mainframes to desktop computers, our increased reliance on personal computers to store mission critical data, the arrival of electronic bulletin boards, the globalization of communications, the gained popularity of shareware, the growing use of remote communications, the increased sophistication of end users, the portability of data, the casual spread of software via piracy, and the staggering rate of new virus creation all contribute to increase our risk of virus infection.

A Special Threat to Networks

Viruses present a special threat to networks because of the inherent connectivity they provide and because of the potential for widespread data loss. Once a virus infects a single networked computer, the average time required for it to infect another workstation is anywhere from 10 to 20 minutes. With a propagation time of this magnitude, a virus can paralyze an entire network in several hours.

Virus Infection Symptoms

The most successful virus has no symptoms at all. Your computer may be infected, and you will notice no change in the normal behavior of your computer. The only way to be aware of such viruses is to use automated virus detection tools. Some less sophisticated viruses may exhibit "visible" symptoms such as:

1) Changes in program length

2) Changes in the data or time stamp

3) Longer program load times

4) Slower system operation

5) Unexplained disk activities

6) Unexplained reduction in memory or disk space

7) Bad sectors on your floppy

8) Disappearing programs

9) Unusual error messages

10) Unusual screen activity

11) Access lights turn on for non-referenced drive

12) Failed program execution

It is important to remember that some viruses may not exhibit any visible symptoms at all. Don't count on your intuition as your only tool for detecting viruses.

Anti-Virus Tools

In dealing with today's sophisticated viruses, intuition and strict employee policies are not enough. The more carefully engineered virus programs exhibit no visible symptoms at all until it is too late. Your computer may be infected with a virus without any noticeable alteration in functionality. Therefore, relying solely on visible side effects, such as slower system operation, longer program load time or unusual screen activity as a means of early detection, may not prove as reliable as it once did. You can no longer afford to count on your intuition as your only tool for detecting viruses. While information systems managers should establish employee guidelines and policies to lessen the potential for infection, strict rules alone will not insure complete protection. What about the shrink-wrapped software program purchased by your company that was later found to be infected by a virus? Or what about the hard drive that was sent out for repair by a service technician, only to[4]have it returned with a virus? The only way to prevent viruses from mysteriously entering your company is to reinforce the security programs already in place with automated virus detection tools.

Defending against Viruses

Following are some tips in helping to combat the growing threat of viral infection.

1) Use an automated virus detection tool, such as Fifth Generation Systems Untouchable virus protection software.

2) Regularly perform a backup of your data with a backup program, such as Fifth Generation Systems Fastback Plus.[5]

3) Prevent unauthorized access to your computer by using a security access program, such as Fifth Generation Systems Disklock.[6]

4) Use write-protected tabs on all program disks before installing any new software. If the software does not allow this, install it first, then apply the write-protected tabs.

5) Do not install new software unless you know it has come from a reliable source. For instance, service technicians and sales representatives are common carriers of viruses. Scan all demonstration or repair software before use.

6) Scan every floppy disk before use and check all files downloaded from a bulletin board or acquired from a modem.

7) Educate employees. As the adage goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

8) Do not boot from any floppy disk[7], other than a clean, DOS based disk.

9) Avoid sharing software and machines.

10) Store executable and other vital system parameters on a bootable DOS based disk and regularly compare this information to the current state of your hard drive.


[1]requiring a host program:host表示“主人”、“东道主”。此处a host program可译成“主机程序”。

[2]a trigger mechanism:触发装置。

[3]shrink-wrapped retail software:用收缩塑料薄膜包装的零售软件。

[4]only to:不定式短语表示结果;翻译成“结果……”,如:He made a long speech only to show his ignorance of the subject.他讲一大段话,结果只暴露出他对这门学科一无所知。

[5]Fifth Generation Systems Fastback Plus:第五代生成系统快速备份。

[6]Fifth Generation Systems Disklock:第五代生成系统磁盘锁。

[7]Do not boot from any floppy disk. boot意指“引导”、“启动”。此句译为“不要直接从软盘启动计算机”。

Choose the best answer for each of the following:



The Greek historian Herodotus once made a list of the most extraordinary structures in the
world, which was known as the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Swiss explorer Bernard Weber thought the old list needed updating. He wanted everyone to vote for the worlds cultural treasures. In 2001, the New Seven Wonders Foundation was set up, inviting people around the world to vote. A group of building experts later reduced the list to 21 places. From 2006 to July 6, 2007, people around the world voted on their favorite places by using the Internet and cell-phones. There were about one hundred million votes in all. The results were announced on July 7 in a ceremony in Lisbon, Portugal. Here is the new list of world wonders. The Great Wall of China is one of the largest building projects on earth, extending for over 7 000 kilometers and built to defend against foreign invaders. The oldest parts of the wall were built over 2 600 years ago. More recent parts were built about 500 years ago. The emperor Qin Shihuang created the first united China about 2 200 years ago and connected the different parts of the wall into one huge system. Chiehen Itza is a temple city built by the Mayans over 1000 years ago in what is now Mexico. Many large stone structures were built during different periods with different styles. One holy building is a triangular-shaped(三角形的)step pyramid called the Temple of Kukulean. This huge structure has a staircase on each of the four sides that leads to the religious altar(祭坛)at the top. There are many other temples and even a large court area where the Mayans played ball games. Christ the Redeemer(基督像)is a large religious statue on a hill overlooking the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Catholic religious leaders in the city started planning the project in the 1920s. This 38 meter statue of Jesus was completed in 1931. It is made of concrete and soapstone materials. Christ the Redeemer was designed by the Brazilian engineer Heitor da Silva Costa and the French sculptor Paul Landowski.

What is the text mainly about?

A.The New Seven Wonders of the world.

B.The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.

C.Bernard Weber"s attempt to update information.

D.The three new wonders of the world.

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