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Which two language6 are extinct? ______A.English and FrenchB.Roman and GreekC.Latin and Gr

Which two language6 are extinct? ______

A.English and French

B.Roman and Greek

C.Latin and Greek

D.French and German

更多“Which two language6 are extinct? ______A.English and FrenchB.Roman and GreekC.Latin and Gr”相关的问题


Under his arm was two books which he had bought from the book store a few days previously.()
Under his arm was two books which he had bought from the book store a few days previously.()





It is reported that two schools, ____ are being built in my hometown, will open next year

A.they both

B.which both

C.both of them

D.both of which



Which of the following is true? ______A.When a child is two years old, he prefers to use b

Which of the following is true? ______

A.When a child is two years old, he prefers to use both of his hands to grasp objects.

B.Scientists have given the reason for this tendency.

C.A monkey can use both of his hands equally well.

D.Those who prefer to use their left hands live a difficult life.



The two tourists______I shared the room were both British.A.whomB.whoC.in whichD.with whom

The two tourists______I shared the room were both British.



C.in which

D.with whom



Jack Anderson. Jack graduated from the University of Trent with a degree in Economics two
years ago. He would like an academic position. Which position is best for him?

A.Teacher in kindergarten.

B.University position.

C.Secretary position.

D.Shop assistant.



Which statement is NOT true about Ireland?
Which statement is NOT true about Ireland?

A.The Republic of Ireland is an independent country

B.Northern Ireland is part of the United Kingdom

C.Ireland is divided into two political units

D.Ireland is called the Emerald Isle because of its rich deposit of emeralds



Which of the following statements is true?A.The author's father built a bonfire on VE Day.

Which of the following statements is true?

A.The author's father built a bonfire on VE Day.

B.The author's father had fought in the First World War.

C.The author's father had fought in the Second World War.

D.The author's father threw two chairs on the fire to keep it going.



One of the well-known of American writers is Samuel Clemens, whose pen name is Mark Twain.
Born in 1835, Twain grew up in the Mississippi River town of Hannibal, Missouri. As did many other boys of his day, Twain dreamed of traveling on river boats and of someday becoming a riverboat pilot. Twain used his memories of the life of a river town in his two most famous books, Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer.

As a young man, Twain held many jobs. He was a printer, a good miner, and, for a time, he was a riverboat pilot. During his pilot days, he adopted the name Mark Twain. This was a term used by the boatmen to mean that the water measured two fathoms, or twelve feet, which was deep enough for safe passage.

Finally Twain became a successful writer. He traveled a great deal, writing and speaking, and became very popular both in the United States and in Europe.

Twain's style. of writing was simple and direct. Among the things he wrote about were superstitious(迷信的)people and people who were easily fooled. He used his unusual gift for humor to write about many things of importance.

Generally speaking, this article is about ______.

A.a riverboat pilot

B.a printer

C.a gold miner

D.a famous writer



There is no doubt that adults, and even highly educated adults, vary gready in the speed a
nd efficiency of their reading. Some proceed very slowly throughout; others dash along too quickly and then have to regress. Poor readers in particular may lack the ability to vary their manner of reading according to the type of reading matter and to their intentions in reading it. A good reader can move at great speed through the text of a novel or similar light reading matter. He may be able to skim a page, picking up a word or two here and there, and gain a general idea of what the text is about without really reading it. In reading more difficult material, with the intention of taking in the whole of it, he will proceed more slowly, but even then he will vary his pace, concentrating on the key words and passages , perhaps re-reading them several times and pass more quickly over the remainder. A less efficient reader tends to maintain the same speed whatever the material he reads.Consequendy, even light reading matter gives him little pleasure because he reads so slowly. But this pace may be too fast for really difficult material which requires special concentration at difficult points. A type of reading which necessitates careful attention to detail is proofreading, in which the reader, in order to detect misprints in a sample print, has to notice not so much the meaning of what he reads as the exact shape and order of letters and words in the text. This is extremely difficult for most people, since they are accustomed to overlooking such details. In fact, considerable practice is required to practice this task efficiently and it can be done only by reading very slowly, and by paying comparatively litde attention to the general meaning of the text.

The author claims that there is a difference in reading speed______.

A.among readers who have different experience

B.among all the readers

C.between the poorly educated and the highly educated

D.among the highly educated people



Though it is merely 1 to 3 percent of the population, the upper class possesses at least 2
5 percent of the nation s wealth. This has two segments; upper-upper and lower-upper. Basically, the upper-upper class is the "old rich"—families that have been wealthy for several generations—an aristocracy of birth and wealth. Their names are in the Social Register, a listing of acceptable members of high society. A few are known across the nation, such as the Rockefellers, Roose-velts, and Vanderbilts. Most are not visible to the general public. They live in grand seclusion(过 着显赫的退隐生活), drawing their income from the investment of their inherited wealth. In contrast , the lower-upper class is the " new rich". Although they may be wealthier than some of the old rich, the new rich have hustled(拼命干)to make their money like everybody else beneath their class. Thus their prestige is generally lower than that of the old rich, who have not found it necessary to lift a finger to make their money, and who tend to look down upon the new rich. However its wealth is acquired, the upper class is very rich. They have enough money and leisure time to cultivate an interest in the arts and to collect rare books, paintings, and sculptures. They generally live in exclusive areas, belong to exclusive social clubs, communicate with each other, and marry their own kind—all of which keeps them so distant from the masses that they have been called the out-of-sight class. More than any other class, they tend to be conscious of being members of a class. They also command an enormous amount of power and influence here and abroad, as they hold many top government positions, run the Council on Foreign Relations and control multinational corporations. Their actions affect the lives of millions.

All the following statements are true except that______.

A.the upper class owns at least a quarter of the country" s wealth

B.the "old rich" enjoy higher prestige than the "new rich"

C.the "old rich" isolate themselves and lead a lonely life

D.the upper-upper class is of aristocratic origin



—How much do the pencils cost? —Three pounds ______ pencils.A.by two dozen ofB.for two doz

—How much do the pencils cost? —Three pounds ______ pencils.

A.by two dozen of

B.for two dozen of

C.by two dozen

D.for two dozen

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