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What came out of the barrel was pure water because_______.A.all the wine had turned into

What came out of the barrel was pure water because_______.

A.all the wine had turned into water

B.everybody in the village had poured water into the barrel

C.someone had stolen the wine and put water into the barrel

D.not only the man but the other villagers were very clever

更多“What came out of the barrel was pure water because_______.A.all the wine had turned into”相关的问题


The rain stopped and the sun()to shine.

A.came down

B.came out

C.came off

D.came on



Sometime in the early 1990s I was treating a woman in an intensive chemical dependency gro
up. Let s call her "Grace." Grace was a flight attendant and had been suspended from her job with a major airline due to her untreated alcoholism. After the eight week program, I suggested to her it might be a good idea to solidify her foundation in recovery before returning to work as she would be working in a high - risk environment (serving alcohol, being out of town alone, etc.). Grace, however, returned to work shortly after completing treatment. One day while she was departing from a plane at the end of long day a major craving for alcohol overpowered her. There she was, in the Los Angeles International Airport pulling her roller-bag behind her when this massive craving to drink came over her. She tried to just "think through it," or "just forget about it," but it was way too powerful. It was so powerful, in fact, that she had resigned to herself that she would just go drink. On her way to the bar in the airport, Grace had a moment of sanity. She stopped, picked up the airport paging phone and said, "Will you please page friends of Bill W.," she paused, quickly looking around for an empty gate, "to come to Gate 12?" Within minutes, over the paging system in the LA International Airport came, " Will friends of Bill W. please come to Gate 12." Most people in recovery know that asking if you are a friend of Bill W. is an anonymous way to identify yourself as a member of AA. In less than five minutes there were about fifteen people at that gate from all over the world. That brought tears of amazement, relief and joy to Grace. They had a little meeting there in that empty gate, total strangers prior to that moment. Grace discovered that two of those people had gotten out of their boarding lines and missed their flights to answer that call for help. They had remembered what they had seen on many walls of meeting rooms: "When anyone, anywhere reaches out their hand for help, I want the hand of AA to be there and for that I am responsible." Grace did not drink that day. I would venture to guess that none of the people who came to Gate 12 drank that day either.

The author of the passage is a______.



C.flight attendant

D.airline manager



One winter day in 1891, a class at a training school in Massachusetts, USA, went into
the gym for their daily exercises. Since the football season had ended, most of young men felt they were in for a boring time. But their teacher, James Naismith, had other ideas. He had been working for a long time on the new game that would have the excitement of American football. Naismith showed the men a basket he had hung at each end of the gym, and explained that they were going to use a round European football. At first everybody tried to throw the ball into the basket no matter where he was standing. “Pass! Pass!” Naismith kept shouting, blowing his whistle to stop the excited players. Slowly, they began to understand what was wanted of them. The problem with the new game, which was soon called “basketball”, was getting the ball out of the basket. They used ordinary baskets, with bottoms, and the ball, of course, stayed inside. At first, someone had to climb up every time when a basket was scored. It was several years before someone came up with the idea of removing the bottom of the basket and letting the ball fall through. There have been many changes in the rules since then, and basketball had become one of the world’s most popular sports.

1、 When did the story happen?

AIn spring

BIn summer

CIn fall

DIn winter

2、 What did Naismith do to entertain his students one day?

AHe taught them to play an exciting new game

BHe took them to watch a basketball game

CHe trained them to play European football

DHe let them compete in getting balls out of a basket

3、 According to the write, what was the problem with the new game?

AThe players had difficulty understanding the complex rules

BThe players found the basket too high to reach

CThe players soon found the game boring

DThe players had trouble getting the ball out of the basket

4、 How was the problem with the new game solved?

ABy alerting the size of the basket

BBy simplifying the complex rules

CBy removing the bottom of the basket

DBy lowering the position of the basket

5、 Which kind of ball was used in basketball games at first?



CAmerican football

DBritish football



She came up ______ a new idea for increasing sales.







The police tried to hold the journalists____when the President came out of the car.







The secretary entered with a pencil and paper, and () every word the manager said.

A. came across

B. took down

C. set out

D. handed in



She () when the word came that her husband died in the war.

A. broke away

B. broke down

C. broke out

D. broke into



Liu Xiang ____________the race after he hurt himself again, on his ankle or footor s

A) counted on

B) came up with

C) dropped out of

D) wasaccountable for



The handsome young man came back to the table wher

e I sat, pulling me out of my reverie and making my heart pound faster







Running late again, I rushed into the Cub Scouts parents meeting, noting the surplus of em
pty chairs. At least, I wasn t the only one running behind, I told myself with great relief. The Cubmaster checked his watch, and with a barely audible sigh, started the meeting. As the Cubmaster explained the challenges that the group faced in the coming year, he pointed out that the empty chairs, which should have been filled with parent volunteers, were our biggest obstacles. As he spoke, I felt a rising sense of guilt mounting within me. Wasnt I looking forward to leaving my seven-year-old in the care of a competent adult while I ran errands? I quickly came to realize that the problem wasn t just about empty chairs: it was also about people like me who were unwilling to sacrifice some of their time to a worthy cause. Before I could change my mind, I raised my hand to volunteer as den (幼年童子军小队)leader. Although I knew next to nothing about teaching a group of noisy and restless second-graders, I was determined to make it work. My first den meeting was as chaotic and noisy as the first day of a county fair. The boys were too excited to sit still. What have I gotten myself into? I wondered, composing a letter of resignation in my head. Much to my surprise, the boys actually enjoyed themselves. They even invited their friends to join our den, and before long, our ranks swelled from four boys to ten. My son was thrilled to have his mom as den leader: it gave him bragging rights on the playground. As I walked through the school s parking lot, it was rare when one of "my" boys didn t call out a greeting or stop me for a quick hug and a story to share. They would talk with me about the little things going on in their lives—whether it was a loose tooth ready to wiggle its way out or a special event coming up. As I watched them, I thought of the empty chairs at that meeting and those who would never know this joy. After all, I gave those boys only one hour of my time every week, but they rewarded me with their hearts.

It is clear that the Cubmaster______.

A.felt sorry for what had happened

B.could hardly control his anger

C.was thankful to whoever had come

D.was disappointed with the situation

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