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his time【C5】______up and down main roads and motorways.A.walkingB.drivingC.wanderingD.sear

his time【C5】______up and down main roads and motorways.





更多“his time【C5】______up and down main roads and motorways.A.walkingB.drivingC.wanderingD.sear”相关的问题


David, my neighbor, has two young kids who are five and seven. One day he was【C1】______his
seven-year-old son Kelly how to push the lawn mower(割草机)around the yard. As he was telling him how to turn the mower【C2】______, his wife, Jan, called to him to ask a question. As David answered the question, Kelly pushed the lawn mower【C3】______through the flower bed at the edge of the lawn—【C4】______a two-foot wide path leveled to the ground! When David turned back and saw what had happened, he began to lose【C5】______. David had put a lot of time and【C6】______into making those flower beds the【C7】______of the neighbourhood. As he began to【C8】______his voice to his son, Jan walked quickly over to him, put her hand on his shoulder and said, "David, please remember we are raising children, not【C9】______!" Jan【C10】______me how important【C11】______is as a parent to remember our priorities(things that need attention before others). The window shattered(打碎)by a【C12】______, a lamp knocked over by a careless child, or a plate dropped in the kitchen are already【C13】______. The flowers are already dead. We must remember not to【C14】______to the destruction by breaking a childs spirit and deadening his【C15】______. A few weeks ago Mark Michaels, the owner of a store, and I were together【C16】______parenting. He told me while his family were out for dinner, his daughter knocked over her water glass.【C17】______the water was cleaned up without any blaming remarks from her parents, she looked up and said, "I【C18】______want to thank you for not being like other parents. Most of my friends parents【C19】______have shouted at them and given them a lecture about paying more attention. Thanks for not【C20】______that!"




C.looking at




So much has been published on all kinds of subjects that even a specialist who devoted all his time
to reading could not keep up with it.(译成无主语)


In what way is K’s life representative of human being in a time of social upheaval?A.

In what way is K’s life representative of human being in a time of social upheaval?

A.He has lost his mother to the war

B.He contributes his own bit although he is caught in an uncontrollable force

C.He is an invalid leading a life of recluse

D.He gives up almost everything he has, even his will to live



Why does the person have to give up leisure hours if he wants to own a private car?A.Becau

Why does the person have to give up leisure hours if he wants to own a private car?

A.Because he has to spend some time in the car.

B.Because he has to work extra hours to get the money.

C.Because he is busy working for his boss.

D.Because keeping a car in good condition takes a lot of time.



Once upon a free a poor farmer taking a sack of wheat to the mill did not know【C1】______to
do when it slipped from his horse and fell【C2】______the road.The sack was【C3】______heavy for him to【C4】______, and his only hope was that【C5】______someone would come riding by and【C6】______a hand. It was not long【C7】______a rider appeared, but the farmers heart sank when he【C8】______him, for it was the great man who lived in a castle nearby. The farmer【C9】______have dared to ask【C10】______farmer to help, or any poor man who might have come【C11】______the road, but he could not beg a【C12】______of so great a man.【C13】______, as soon as the great man came up he got【C14】______his horse, saying "I see youve had bad luck, friend.How good it is【C15】______Im here just at the【C16】______time. "Then he took one【C17】______of the sack, the farmer the other, and between them they lifted it on the horse. "Sir," asked the farmer, "how can I pay you? " "Easily enough," the great man【C18】______. "Whenever you see【C19】______else in trouble,【C20】______the same for him. "








One of the well-known of American writers is Samuel Clemens, whose pen name is Mark Twain.
Born in 1835, Twain grew up in the Mississippi River town of Hannibal, Missouri. As did many other boys of his day, Twain dreamed of traveling on river boats and of someday becoming a riverboat pilot. Twain used his memories of the life of a river town in his two most famous books, Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer.

As a young man, Twain held many jobs. He was a printer, a good miner, and, for a time, he was a riverboat pilot. During his pilot days, he adopted the name Mark Twain. This was a term used by the boatmen to mean that the water measured two fathoms, or twelve feet, which was deep enough for safe passage.

Finally Twain became a successful writer. He traveled a great deal, writing and speaking, and became very popular both in the United States and in Europe.

Twain's style. of writing was simple and direct. Among the things he wrote about were superstitious(迷信的)people and people who were easily fooled. He used his unusual gift for humor to write about many things of importance.

Generally speaking, this article is about ______.

A.a riverboat pilot

B.a printer

C.a gold miner

D.a famous writer



Frank knew he was very ill. He spent days walking, (1 ) as far as thirty miles (2 )

Frank knew he was very ill. He spent days walking, (1 ) as far as thirty miles (2 ) a day, trying to reason with the pain, and strange thoughts in his mind. Then, one night, he made up his (3 ) that he would go to the hospital and ask them to admit him. He reported to out-patients and asked to see a psychiatrist.A junior doctor eventually examined him and (4 ) to Frank's confused account of having been in hospital before, of how he thought he ought to (5 ) again because he was so confused and knew something was very wrong with him. The doctor did not admit him. Frank cannot (6 ) whether he was told that the hospital was full or that they simply did not believe him. "I felt I was completely alone. I thought there was (7 ) there to help." So Frank went back on to the streets to find a future of sleeping outside, the occasional shelter in hospitals, and sometimes prison (8 ) he was picked up for being drunk: drunk because it was the (9 ) way he could forget his condition. Frank had sought help and been turned away. Thousands of others (10 ) him can find no help either. They are the sufferers from long-term mental illness that confuse the minds of their victims.



C、some time














(5).A、be admitted


C、be admitting

D、have been admitted























Bribery may lead to murder. A month ago reporters rushed to the (1) of a crime. At the spot the

Bribery may lead to murder. A month ago reporters rushed to the(1)of a crime. At the spot the detective seemed even hardly aware of their(2)as he did his work. He carefully searched for(3)over every inch of the house. After a while, he bent over to pick up a small torn(4)of fabric. Nothing could(5)from his search. The detective(6)that this piece of fabric was(7)from the murderer's clothing during a struggle.

The(8)had been the finance director of a very large computer hardware manufacturer. His wife, a timid woman,(9)everything she knew with the detective, including a hot(10)her husband had with some of the company's top executives at a banquet. There had been a scandal(11)bribery at his company. He was(12)the business of many of the top executives. He had(13)that some people were giving special favors to government officials to get(14). He often questioned their moral(15)and told them that he would accuse them if they were doing something they shouldn't,(16)caused problems for him. His questioning and accusing often left him at(17)with many of the executives. This time it had led to a(18)blow on his head. The detective caught(19)of a crucial clue, a brass button in the corner. It was from a jacket of one of the top executives. Later this executive and the company's president was(20). Of course this is not the end of the story.



It would be interesting to discover how many young people go to university without any clear idea of
what they are going to do afterwards. (1)If one considers the enormous variety of courses offered, it is not hard to see how difficult it is for a student to select the course most suited to his interests and abilities.(2)If a student goes to university to acquire a broader perspective of life, to enlarge his ideas and to learn to think for himself, he will undoubtedly benefit.(3)Schools often have too restricting an atmosphere, with its timetables and disciplines, to allow him much time for independent assessment of the work he is asked to do.(4)Most students would, I believe, profit by a year or so's exploration of different academic studies, especially those "all-rounders" with no particular interest.They should have longer time to decide in what subject they want to take their degrees, so that in later life, they do not look back and say, "I should like to have been an archaeologist. If I hadn't taken a degree in Modem languages, I shouldn't have been up as an interpreter, but it's too late now. I couldn't go back and begin all over again."

(5)There is, of course, another side to the question of how to make the best use of one's time at university.(6)This is the case of the student who excels in a particular branch of learning.(7)He is immediately accepted by the university of his choice, and spends his three or four years becoming a specialist, emerging with a first-class Honour Degree and very little knowledge of what the rest of the world is all about.(8)It therefore becomes more and more important that, if students are not to waste their opportunities, there will have to be much more detailed information about courses and more advice.Only in this way can we be sure that we are not to have, on the one hand, a band of specialists ignorant of anything outside of their own subject, and on the other hand, an ever increasing number of graduates qualified in subject for which there is little or no demand in the working world.



My father had a small business, employing about 15 people at any given time. We sold all s
orts of dairy products, and many more, from a small store in front of the dairy building. During the summer months, rows of eager tourists lined up at that ice -cream counter for a taste of my father s exquisite homemade ice cream. Because it was an extremely busy little store, the employees had to work very quickly for hours at a time, with little rest. One day, in 1976, we had a new employee, Debbie, who wanted to work in the store for the summer. She had never done this type of work before, but planned to give it her all. On her first day, Debbie made just about every mistake in the book. She added up the sales wrong on the cash register. She charged the wrong prices for items. She gave the wrong bag of food to the wrong customer. And she dropped and broke a half-gallon of milk. I couldn t stand watching her struggle any longer. I went into my father s office and said, " Please go out there and put her out of her misery." I expected him to walk right into the store and fire her on the spot. Since my father s office was situated within view of the sales counter, he had no doubt seen what I was talking about. He got up from his desk and walked over to Debbie, who was standing behind the counter. "Debbie," he said, as he put his hand gently on her shoulder. "I have been watching you and I saw how you treated Mrs. Forbush." Debbie s face began to flush, and she looked as if she was about to cry. She struggled to remember Mrs. Forbush from the many women she had given the wrong change to or spilled milk on. My father continued, "I ve never seen Mrs. Forbush be so polite before. You really knew how to handle her. I am sure she is going to want you to wait on her every time she comes in. Keep up the good work." My father was a wise and compassionate employer. Because of this, Debbie became a loyal and hard-working employee for 16 years—and a friend for life.

The small business run by the author s father______.

A.barely survived this year

B.hardly made any money

C.suffered some losses

D.was quite successful

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