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() half the cost of air travel our motor coach can take your group to their destination.

A.No less than

B.Not lest than

C.For more than

D.For less than

更多“() half the cost of air travel our motor coach can take your group to their destination.”相关的问题


_____________ illustrates that the power of microprocessor technology doubles and its
cost of production falls in half every 18 months.



We must arrive there____ before midnight.

A、at all costs

B、at the cost

C、at half cost

D、to our cost



()half the cost of air travel our motor coach can take your group to their destinati

()half the cost of air travel our motor coach can take your group to their destination.

A、No less than

B、Not lest than

C、For more than

D、For less than



The Panama Canal was constructed in 1915 ______ three hundred fifty million dollars.A.at h

The Panama Canal was constructed in 1915 ______ three hundred fifty million dollars.

A.at half cost to

B.at a cost of

C.at any cost

D.at all costs



__________ With half of all homes being priced above the half million dollar mark and
prices in urban areas such as San Francisco and Los Angeles being higher than the state average it is almost impossible for not just the poor but also the lower middle class workers to afford decent housing and no possibility of home ownership. The majority of the population lacks a college education, and the median home price was determined to be $723,790, requiring an upper middle class income which only roughly 20% of all households in the county boast. Such fluctuations in local markets are however not considered in the Federal poverty line and thus leave many who live in poverty-like conditions out of the total number of households classified as poor.

A.Many sociologists and government officials have argued that poverty in the US is understated.

B.The poverty line lost all connection over time with current consumption patterns of the average family.

C.The issue of understating poverty is especially pressing in the states with both a high cost and a high poverty rate such as California.

D.The official poverty line today is essentially what it takes in today's dollars to purchase the same poverty-line level of living half a century ago.



__________ There are more households living in actual poverty than there are household
s below the poverty line. A recent report states that as much as 30% of Americans have trouble making ends meet and other advocates have made supporting claims that the rate of actual poverty in the US is far higher than that calculated by using the poverty line. While the poverty line is updated for inflation every year, the basket of goods used to determine what constitutes being deprived of a socially acceptable minimum standard of living has not been updated since 1955.

A.The issue of understating poverty is especially pressing in the states with both a high cost and a high poverty rate such as California.

B.The poverty line lost all connection over time with current consumption patterns of the average family.

C.Many sociologists and government officials have argued that poverty in the US is understated.

D.The official poverty line today is essentially what it takes in today's dollars to purchase the same poverty-line level of living half a century ago.



College costs vary quite a bit, depending upon the type of school attended. For example, at many of
the more expensive private schools, ______ costs (including tuition, room, board, books, travel to and from home, and other expenses) may ______ $20,000. Of course, public universities are much cheaper. At these schools, tuition is ______ higher for out-of-state students than it is for those whose ______ residence is within that state. Tuition at community. colleges ______ about half the in-state cost of public, four-year colleges and universities.

For those that cannot afford the cost of a college education, ______ aid is the answer. Students in the U.S.A. received about $20 billion per year in financial aid. In recent years, nearly 75% of students in postsecondary programs have been receiving some form of financial aid. There are three main types of financial aid: (a) ______ (grant), which are gifts that students do not repay; (b) ______ to students and/or their parents; and (c) student ______ (work/study), a part-time job which the school gives the student for the academic year. Most financial assistance to outstanding students who do not need the money (commonly called merit-based aid) is limited.

The funds for all of this aid come from three main sources--the federal government, state government, and private ______. Every American college and university has a financial aid office to help students find out what kind of aid they might be qualified to get and to assist them in completing the complicated application forms. Aliens who are permanent residents in the U.S.A. are qualified to receive government assistance, but foreign students are not.

A) financial B) annual C) scholarships D) loans E) prejudice

F) exceed G) constant H) yield I) averages J) permanent

K) employment L) manufacture M) significantly N) entertainment O) contributions



College costs vary quite a bit, depending upon the type of school attended. For example, at many of
the more expensive private schools,(47)costs (including tuition, room, board, books, travel to and from home, and other expenses) may(48)$20,000. Of course, public universities are much cheaper. At these schools, tuition is(49)higher for out-of-state students than it is for those whose(50)residence is within that state. Tuition at community. colleges(51)about half the in-state cost of public, four-year colleges and universities.

For those that cannot afford the cost of a college education,(52)aid is the answer. Students in the U.S.A. received about $20 billion per year in financial aid. In recent years, nearly 75% of students in postsecondary programs have been receiving some form of financial aid. There are three main types of financial aid: (a)(53)(grant), which are gifts that students do not repay; (b)(54)to students and/or their parents; and (c) student(55)(work/study), a part-time job which the school gives the student for the academic year. Most financial assistance to outstanding students who do not need the money (commonly called merit-based aid) is limited.

The funds for all of this aid come from three main sources--the federal government, state government, and private(56). Every American college and university has a financial aid office to help students find out what kind of aid they might be qualified to get and to assist them in completing the complicated application forms. Aliens who are permanent residents in the U.S.A. are qualified to receive government assistance, but foreign students are not.

A) financial B) annual C) scholarships D) loans E) prejudice

F) exceed G) constant H) yield I) averages J) permanent

K) employment L) manufacture M) significantly N) entertainment O) contributions



Textbook prices are traditionally high. " Combined with the rising cost of tuition, the pr
ice of books for our students is just killing these kids," said Peter Jason, Ph.D. , a local community college professor. Adding to that problem, many college instructors change textbooks year after year: they either upgrade to a new edition or switch to an entirely different textbook. This further hurts students because if an instructor no longer uses a particular textbook, that book has no resale value. Students are one of the poorest groups of people in America. Almost half of them have at least one part-time job. In fact, some even have three jobs and still manage to have high grades and go to school full-time. So Dr. Jason decided to make life a little easier and a lot cheaper for his students by writing his own book on public speaking. He thinks that many books have an increased price because of bells and whistles: CD-ROMs, lots of color photographs, and lots of graphics. He talked to his students, and many of them, like him, prefer to keep things simple. They want to have a book which is brief and concise, not long-winded. A few years ago Dr. Jason finished his own textbook. " Compared to most other public speaking primers(启蒙书), mine is half the number of pages, and one-third the price. That is, $ 30 instead of $ 90. Plus, it is published in a three-ring binder format. So, when I wrote a second edition last year, students only had to buy the 35 new pages and delete 35 of the original pages. For only $ 7.00, they had upgraded to the new edition. I ve had great feedback from my students about this loose-leaf concept. Maybe the word will get out, and more writers and publishers will try it," said Dr. Jason.

What can we learn from Paragraph 1?

A.College textbooks are way too expensive.

B.Students don"t like to sell their own textbooks.

C.Students ask their instructors not to use any textbooks.

D.Some students were rejected by their instructors.



The timing of flu season is a little hard to predict. Part of what makes it unpredictable
is that scientists still don t understand exactly why we have one at all. There have been lots of theories: One theory is that people spend more time indoors, with the windows closed, breathing each other s air. Other scientists have argued that cold of winter weakens our immune systems. A third theory is that the flu virus lives in the cold, dry air, but suffers in the warm, humid air. For a while, scientists had a hard time testing these theories: they needed to run experiments, but researchers aren t allowed to infect humans with illnesses, and most lab animals arent affected by the flu the same way people are. In 2007, a medical researcher named Peter Palese found an 80-year-old journal article that reported that guinea pigs (豚鼠)get infected and pass on the flu just like humans. Palese decided to test Theory 3. The research team led by Palese ran several experiments and in each experiment, they injected half the guinea pigs with influenza A (the common flu), and put them in a box next to a box of uninfected animals. At a temperature of 41 degrees, all four of the exposed guinea pigs caught the flu, but when Palese repeated the experiment at 68 degrees, only one of the animals was infected. And when he ran the test at 86 degrees, none of the exposed animals got sick. The researchers also ran experiments where they varied the humidity in the room but kept the temperature constant: the drier the air, they found, the more animals got sick. Palese s study showed that the influenza virus does spread more effectively in cold, dry air.

What does Paragraph 3 mainly discuss?

A.The direction for future research.

B.The necessity of running more tests.

C.The difficulty of testing the theories.

D.The cost of animal experiments.



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