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We dont need air conditioning, ______.A.nor can we afford itB.neither can afford itC.nor w

We dont need air conditioning, ______.

A.nor can we afford it

B.neither can afford it

C.nor we can afford it

D.neither we can afford it

更多“We dont need air conditioning, ______.A.nor can we afford itB.neither can afford itC.nor w”相关的问题


To make speech sounds in English, we need first to have air in theA.nose.B.throat.C.lung







We don't need air conditioning,().

A.nor can we afford it

B.and nor we can afford it

C.neither can afford it

D.and we can neither afford it



The air surrounding us is important to everyone. Without air, we could not (1) Everyone
understands that. But air is necessary(2)many other ways that are not always so obvious or widely known. For example, if we did not have air, (3) would be no sound. Sound travels through air. Where there is no air, there is no sound. (4)air, there would be no fire. There would be no automobiles, (5) motors need air in order to operate. Without air there would be no wind or clouds. There would be no (6), as we know it. The night time would be very(7), the days very hot. We would be forced to seek shelter from the sun, (8)there would be no atmosphere to protect us from the sun’s deadly rays. The atmosphere is all the air surrounding the (9) . Atmosphere pressure is the weight of all that air against the (10)of the earth. If we did not have atmospheric pressure, we could not have automobile tires. The tires would swell or burst if they did not have the pressure of the atmosphere against their surface.

1、 A. living B. lively C. exist D. alive

2、 A. under B. of C. on D. in

3、 A. there B. they C. it D. we

4、 A. Despite B. With C. As D. Without

5、 A. however B. but C. since D. and

6、 A. air B. weather C. breeze D. climate

7、 A. warm B. cool C. cold D. hot

8、 A. as B. so C. that D. so that

9、 A. floor B. ground C. land D. earth

10、 A. top B. surface C. face D. coverage



试着根据信息把以下的备忘录填写完整(在空白处填上提供信息前的字母即可,不用添加空格)。A. so


A. so three filing cabinet drawers are needed

B. we need to add one air conditioner

C. Buying new equipment for the new office

D. and then we need a new photocopier

E. Melinda

F. The Financial Department

G. Dec.23 , 2015






Last week we moved into the new office. Unfortunately, the former office equipment was not enough for the new requirements. The following problems are outstanding:

• The weather is very cold,______5___________________

• There are so many files,________6________________

• Some important files need to be kept,_________7________________

I would be grateful to know when you will be able to approve the equipment buying.



回答下列各题: Global warming may or may not be the great enviromental crisis of the 21s
t century, but---regardless ofwhether it is or isnt--we wont do much about it. We will argue over it and may even, as a nation, make somefairly solemn-sounding commitments to avoid it. But the more dramatic and meaningful these commitments seem,the less likely they are to be observed. AI Gore calls giobal warming an "inconvenient truth," as if merely recognizing it could put us on a path to asolution. But the real truth is that we dont know enough to relieve global warming, and--without majortechnological breakthroughs--we cant do much about it. From 2003 to 2050, the worlds population is projected to grow from 6.4 billion to 9.1 billion, a 42% increase.If energy use per person and technology remain the same, total energy use and greenhouse gas emissions(mainly CO2) will be 42% higher in 2050. But thats too low, because societies that grow richer use more energy. We need economic growth unless we condemn the worlds poor to their present poverty and freeze everyone elsesliving standards. With modest growth, energy use and greenhouse emissions more than double by 2050. No government will adopt rigid restrictions on economic growth and personal freedom (limits on electricityusage, driving and travel) that might cut back global warming. Still, politicians want to show theyre "doingsomething." Consider the Kyoto Protocol(《京都议定书》). It allowed countries that joined to punish those thatdidnt. But it hasnt reduced CO2 emissions (up about 25% since 1990), and many signatories (签字国) didntadopt tough enough policies to hit their 2008-2012 targets. The practical conclusion is that if global warming is a potential disaster, the only solution is new technology.Only an aggressive research and development program might find ways of breaking our dependence on fossil fuelsor dealing with it. The trouble with the global warming debate is that it has become a moral problem when its really an engineering one. The inconvenient truth is that if we dont solve the engineering problem, were helpless. What is said about global warming in the first paragraph?

A.It may not prove an environmental crisis at all.

B.It is an issue requiring worldwide commitments.

C.Serious steps have been taken to avoid or stop it.

D.Very little will be done to bring it under control.



I saw an ad for a device that allows your dog to talk to you. Bow Lingual, a Japanese inve
ntion, entered the American market a couple of weeks ago. Named " The Dog Translator," it sold more than 250,000 units before heading here. And dont forget that it was sold at the price of $ 120 each. Its quite simple, really. A radio microphone attaches to your dog s collar, and a handheld receiver "translates" barks into 200 different phrases. The device determines your dogs emotion at the moment: happy, sad, frustrated, on-guard, assertive and needy. (In case you have a dog that barks only in Japanese or Korean, it comes with those translations, too.) As interesting as this new device is—again, I m kicking myself here—any dog owner worth his Milk-Bones knows this might not be all that necessary a purchase. Our dog, Murphy, for instance, has never had any problem whatsoever communicating with us. Not once in 13 years. Odd as it seems, we can figure out quite quickly what s on her mind. Just the cock of her head will often do it. Translation: " Surely you re taking me with you." Sometimes it s a solitary bark at the kitchen door after dinner. Translation: " You forgot my treat, Buster!" And sometimes its 100 barks in a row. Translation: "The mailman is here! The mailman is here! Cant you hear him attacking our house?" But I think I witnessed the ultimate dog communication technique years ago. It was a neighbor s dog. I cant remember the breed or name. All I remember is how bright she was. She had no need for Bow Lingual. Whenever frustrated with her family, which appeared to be quite often, she would stroll into the living room, turn her back to them and sit directly in front of the TV they were watching. And pee. No translation needed. And you need not be smart or rich to figure that out.

We can infer from the passage that sale of "The Dog Translator" in Japan______.

A.was considered a failure

B.was quite successful

C.was relatively satisfactory

D.was relatively unsatisfactory



Whoever has finished the task ahead of time will be rewarded, though we dont know who_____
_will be.







If there is any way we can be of assistance, please do not hesitateto _____us.A. con

A. contact

B. contact to

C. touch

D. touch to



Speaker A:I broke my ankle last Tuesday. And now I have to be on crutches for six weeks. S
peaker B:______. If there is anything you need,dont hesitate to let me know.

A.I"m so sorry that I can"t bear it

B.I"m sorry to hear that

C.Really,how I want it to be the opposite

D.You must be kidding



Humans may not have landed on Mars (火星) just yet, but that isnt stopping a European comp

Humans may not have landed on Mars (火星) just yet, but that isnt stopping a European company from devising a plan to send four people to the Red Planet within the next few years. (78)This project, called Mars One, aims to send a small group of people to Mars in 2022and eventually establish a permanent colony on the planet. "Everything we need to go to Mars exists," said Mars One co-founder Bas Lansdorp in March 2014. "We have the rockets to send people to Mars, the equipment to land on Mars, the robots to prepare the setdement for humans. For a one-way mission, all the technology exists. " Yet the four astronauts (宇航员) chosen for the trip will be stuck on Mars—forever. And despite Mars Ones thorough planning, there are a number of challenges that may prevent the mission from ever taking place. (79)The biggest road block could be the missions huge cost ($ 6 billion). However, Lansdorp is confident that Mars One will be able to fund the project by selling the broadcast rights for the mission and subsequent experiences living on the planet. Those broadcast rights will also play a part in helping to select the people who will be sent to. Lansdorp said the company will hold a selection process similar to a reality show. Lansdorp is expecting at least 1 million applications from people around the world. In addition to the cost, several other potential problems could inhibit (阻止) the mission to Mars. " Its even more challenging to send people there with life support, with food, with air, with all the other things like books, entertainment, means of communication and of providing for their own resources for a long stay on Mars," said Adam Baker—senior lecturer in space engineering at Kingston University in London. "The sheer size of the rockets youd need to do this would be absolutely colossal. "

According to Project Mars One, humans could send four people to Mars within the next ______years.





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