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6.He had an engaging smile, quite ______, which transformed his otherwise serious face. (boy)

6.He had an engaging smile, quite ______, which transformed his otherwise serious face. (boy)

更多“6.He had an engaging smile, quite ______, which transformed his otherwise serious face. (boy)”相关的问题


He had an engaging smile, quite ______, which transformed his otherwise serious face. (boy)

He had an engaging smile, quite ______, which transformed his otherwise serious face. (boy)



6.He was passionate for art, but he went through tremendous pain—pain of poverty and misunderstandin


If one is _______ the success he has achieved, he would lose the opportunity topursu
e new success.

A) obsessed with

B) taken in by

C) engaging in

D. deducted by



We are exporters of long-standing and high reputation, () exportation of following ar

We are exporters of long-standing and high reputation, () exportation of following articles.

A、engaged in

B、engaging in


D、engaing on



Today a neighbor brought us some fresh fish he had caught on his last boat trip

Today a neighbor brought us some fresh fish he had caught on his last boat trip. As we thanked him, he said, 'They are not from me; they only come through me.'

At that moment I noticed the similarity between fish and haiku.

Nowadays, if Mom doesn't ever serve fish for dinner at least the kids get a taste of haiku at school.

For most of us, our first introduction comes from reading translations from Japanese, which is a bit like comparing sushi to frozen fish sticks. Even with the knowledge of the exotic, most poets stick to the meat and potatoes of English literature. It often isn't until we get older that we accept the simple goodness of fish, adding them to the menu more often.

Having acquired a taste for fish and learned how to cook them, one is better able to appreciate the short form. of haiku. Like fishing, haiku writing can be done with minimal equipment A pin or a pen, and a scrap of paper, is enough, but it is tempting to go all out and buy a rod and reel (even study Zen, visit a monastery or take a trip to Japan). If one goes in for deep sea fishing, a computer and laser printer are soon on the list of 'must haves'.

Like fishing, to catch haiku you have to go where they are. Unlike fish, haiku are everywhere. Still, you have to know the secret places where they hide and how to get there. Wearing old comfortable clothes (usually thought of as a meditative state) we look around just where we are. It does little good to only read of fishing off the coast of Japan when sitting beside the lake by our own front door. It does help to know which fish are edible and which are not There are two ways of finding this out We can either eat everything we catch and publish what feels right, or we can read books containing others' experiences while making up our minds about what kind of fish to go for.

If we compare spending days on rough seas to fish or strolling on the beach writing haiku; it is very easy for me to decide where my interest lies. Still I do love a fish dinner and I hope my neighbor enjoys my latest poems.

21. The similarity between fishing and writing haiku the text does NOT mention is____.

A. the freedom to choose what we do with the product of each activity

B. the delayed appreciation of both activities

C. the thrill experienced when engaging in them

D. the limited resources required for practising them

22. In paragraph 2, the author refers to sushi____.

A. to point out that the American eat frozen fish sticks more often

B. to contrast it with meat and potatoes

C. to give an example of an exotic dish

D. as a metaphor for original Japanese texts

23. According to the author, haiku writers have to____.

A. read about the process of haiku writing

B. be observant of what is around them

C. try to have their poems published

D. get acquainted with Zen philosophy

24. The best title of this text would be____.

A. Something fishy about haiku

B. The forgotten skill of fishing

C. Writing haiku is easy

D. The art of writing haiku

25. The author's attitude towards haiku is____.

A. positive

B. neutral

C indifferent

D. negative



阅读以下文章,选择最佳答案填空。Since the terrorist attacks on the United States in Septe


Since the terrorist attacks on the United States in September, Americans have given millions of dollars to help thousands of victims and their families. A lot of that money was given to the American Red Cross.

The American Red Cross collected more than five-hundred-million dollars for this purpose in 1______ it called the Liberty Fund. Recently, Red Cross officials admitted that they 2______ the families all the money that was collected. They said the Liberty Fund was created to help the victims of the September attacks, and also to help victims of future attacks. The officials said they regretted that the American public did not understand this.

Last week, Red Cross officials announced a major change in policy. They said all the money 3______ to the Liberty Fund would be used only to help the victims of the September Eleventh attacks and their families. The money will help families 4______ costs of daily living such as housing and food for up to one year.

Immediately after the terrorist attacks, the Red Cross 5______ money for three months of living costs to more than two-thousand families of people who were killed. Red Cross officials say the organization also provided support to about twenty-three-thousand other families who were affected by the terrorist attacks. These included rescue workers and people who could not go back to their homes near the World Trade Center in New York City. Business people who lost their workplaces also 6______ help.

However, the Red Cross planned to use about half the money given to the Liberty Fund for future programs. It wanted the money to increase blood supplies, improve communications and expand services for families of people 7______ in the military forces. Individuals who had given money to the Liberty Fund reacted strongly to this news. They expected their money to be used immediately to help victims of the attacks. Red Cross officials now say the Liberty Fund will be repaid for any money already 8______ for other projects.

The American Red Cross has been active for more than one hundred years. Its policy has been to 9______ some of the money given after a tragedy to prepare for future emergencies Officials say the organization's appeals are supposed to tell people that the money will be used to help victims of the current emergency or similar ones. They have promised to investigate to see if the message is clear enough to the people who give their money.

Red Cross officials say any relief organization needs to build up an amount of money to help victims of smaller emergencies. The American Red Cross says it 10______ aid services in about sixty-thousand emergency situations each year such as fires, floods, storms and accidents.

1.A、Which B、What C、/ D、that

2.A、should not give B、would not give C、did not give D、were not giving

3.A、that gave B、given C、was given D、gave

4.A、pay B、pay with C、pay at D、pay for

5.A、provided B、produced C、promised D、prepared

6.A、recieved B、accepted C、collected D、gathered

7.A、fighting B、working C、serving D、engaging

8.A、given B、carmarked C、delivered D、used

9.A、keep B、save C、put D、store

10.A、prepared B、provides C、gets D、given



Today a neighbor brought us some fresh fish he had caught on his last boat trip. As t
hanked him,he said,‘They are not from me; they only come through me.’

At that moment I noticed the similarity between fish and haiku.

Nowadays, if Mom doesn't ever serve fish for dinner at least the kids get a taste of

haiku at school.

For most of us,our first introduction comes from reading translations from Japanese,

which is a bit like comparing sushi to frozen fish sticks. Even with the knowledge of the

exotic, most poets stick to the meat and potatoes of English literature. It often isn’t until we get older that we accept the simple goodness of fish,adding them to the menu more often.

Having acquired a taste for fish and learned how to cook them, one is better able to

appreciate the short form. of haiku. Like fishing, haiku writing can be done with minimal

equipment. A pin or a pen,and a scrap of paper, is enough,but it is tempting to go all out and buy a rod and reel (even study Zen,visit a monastery or take a trip to Japan).

If one goes in for deep sea fishing,a computer and laser printer are soon on the list of 'must haves'.

Like fishing, to catch haiku you have to go where they are. Unlike fish, haiku are

everywhere. Still,you have to know the secret places where they hide and how to get there.

Wearing old comfortable clothes(usually thought of as a meditative state) we look around

just where we are. It does little good to only read of fishing off the coast of Japan when

sitting beside the lake by our own front door. It does help to know which fish are edible and which are not. There are two ways of finding this out. We can either eat everything we catch and publish what feels right, or we can read books containing others’experiences while making up our minds about what kind of fish to go for.

If we compare spending days on rough seas to fish or strolling on the beach writing

haiku; it is very easy for me to decide where my interest lies. Still I do love a fish dinner and I hope my neighbor enjoys my latest poems.

(1). The similarity between fishing and writing haiku the text does NOT mention is

A. the freedom to choose what we do with the product of each activity

B. the delayed appreciation of both activities

C. the thrill experienced when engaging in them

D. the limited resources required for practising them

(2). In paragraph 2,the author refers to sushi_.

A. to point out that the American eat frozen fish sticks more often

B. to contrast it with meat and potatoes

C. to give an example of an exotic dish

D. as a metaphor for original Japanese texts

(3). According to the author, haiku writers have to_·

A. read about the process of haiku writing

B. be observant of what is around them

C. try to have their poems published

D. get acquainted with Zen philosophy

(4). The best title of this text would be_·

A. Something fishy about haiku

B. The forgotten skill of fishing

C. Writing haiku is easy

D. The art of writing haiku

(5). The author's attitude towards haiku is_.

A. positive

B. neutral

C. indifferent

D. negative



The purpose of the letter is to ______ A. show travellers their hospitality. B. prevent ill will.

The purpose of the letter is to ______

A. show travellers their hospitality.

B. prevent ill will.

C. encourage travellers to stay.

D. inform the travellers of their rate increases.

Now, go through the text quickly and answer the question.


Nottingham-Darby Stockbridge Lane NC 125 FQ

Telephone: (06362) 04183

Telex: 585746

Dear Traveller,

In attempting to provide the best service possible for our guests, we've been faced with a problem. More and more often, it seems, people are engaging hotel accommodations without prior booking, and leaving without settling their accounts.

These "silent departures" have caused us - and other hotels as well - substantial cash losses. So far, at Grand Cay we've been able to absorb these losses without passing their cost on to our guests in the form of increased prices. But we're approaching our limit.

So, in order to prevent further losses of this sort, and to keep our prices as low as possible in this time of inflation, we are asking that - any person desiring overnight accommodation without a prior confirmed booking, please pay in advance the full cost of the accommodation.

Only by the introduction of such safeguards can the problem be alleviated. Please understand our position, and know that the service we will provide you will continue to be the best we can humanly offer.

Many thanks,

Godfrey Billingham

General Manager



It_______this way.A、is had to doB、is had to be doneC、had to be doneD、has to do

It_______this way.

A、is had to do

B、is had to be done

C、had to be done

D、has to do



()Tom was disappointed that most of the guests _____ when he ____at the party.

A.left;had arrived

B.had left;arrived

C.had left;had arrived


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