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Only after a year______ to see the results of my experiment.

A.I began

B.I had begun

C.have I begun

D.did I begin

更多“Only after a year______ to see the results of my experiment.”相关的问题


Only after class _______ to raise the question.

A、did he allowed

B、was he allowed

C、he was allowed

D、did he allow



Using accrual accounting,expenses are recorded and reported only ().

A.when they are incurred, whether or not cash is paid

B.when they are incurred and paid at the same time

C.if they are paid before they are incurred

D.if they are paid after they are incurred



Section ADirections: In this section, you'll hear five short conversations. After each con

Section A

Directions: In this section, you'll hear five short conversations. After each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversation and question will be read only once. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to each question.


A.30 dollars.

B.40 dollars.

C.50 dollars.

D.60 dollars.



After the experiment was over, the man might have felt that______.A.hunger is less painful

After the experiment was over, the man might have felt that______.

A.hunger is less painful once you get used to it

B.a man can survive for years on only one meal a day

C.you enjoy your food more if you go hungry for a while

D.something should be done for the hungry people of the world



The White House is the most visited residence in the world.Tours may be scheduled thro

ugh our Washington DC office.Due to security and scheduling procedures,there are a few things you should know before requesting a tour:

•Only groups of 10 or more may request a tour.

•Requests must be submitted with a minimum of one month’s advance notice from the date of the tour. Notice of whether your application is accepted will be given 10 days prior to the date requested.All tours,even after they have been confirmed,are subject to cancellation due to security interests.

•Tours are only conducted Tuesday through Saturday from 7:30 am to 11:30 am

To process your request for a tour,please contact our Washington office at (202)224—5521 and provide the following information:

•Date(s) requesting.

•Security information for each person in your party,including:name as it appears on I.D.(I.D.required for ages14 and up),date of birth,social security number,country of origin,and citizenship(公民的).

•A home address and daytime and evening phone numbers for the designated(指派的)leader of the group.

•A contact number while in DC for the designated leader of the group.

After your request is confirmed or denied,our office will contact you with further instructions.

26.This notice is to provide information about ____.

A.scheduling of Washington DC tours

B.the security system of the White House

C.application for a tour of the White House

D.duties of a tour group leader

27.The White House is open to the public___.

A.on weekdays only

B.five days a week

C.every other day

D.on weekends only

28.Application for a group tour of the White House must be submitted____.

A.exactly on the date of application

B.at least 30 days in advance

C.any day between Tuesday and Saturday

D.10 days before the date of the tour

29.After your tour request has been confirmed,____.

A.it is still possible that your tour may be canceled

B.you are still allowed to change your visiting date

C.you can surely visit the White House that day

D.it is necessary for you to start your tour immediately

30.It can be inferred from the passage that ____.

A.teenagers under 14 are not allowed to visit the White House

B.foreigners are less likely to be permitted to tour the White House

C.separate tours call also be scheduled for individual visitors

D.security is the chief concern in scheduling White House tours



I've been going home for lunch ever since I started school. I never liked eating in the ca
feteria(自助食堂) although in tile seventh grade, because all the other boys were doing it and thought it was cool. I washed dishes in the junior high school lunchroom once in a while in exchange for a free lunch. But I like going back to my own house at once.

Mom is always there; she had soup ready in the breakfast room by the time that Ann and Jim and I get home. Ann and Jim have never gone in for the cafeteria, either. Our house in only about a ten-minute walk from the school building, so we can make it back in plenty of time.

There's something about eating in the cafeteria--and not leaving the high school from morning until afternoon -- that feels a little like being in prison. By the end of the morning, I've got to get out of the building. And Mom never seems to mind fixing lunch for us; she never suggests that we eat in the cafeteria.

It's really the only time we have to be alone with her. In the morning Dad's there, and by the time I get home after messing around(混时间) after school, he's usually at home from work. So the time that Mom and I talk together is usually at lunch.

I feel sorry for the students who eat in the cafeteria every day. It would drive me mad, I don't know if their moms just don't like to cook for them in the middle of the day, or if they actually like the cafeteria and the cafeteria food.

When the author was in junior high school, ______.

A.he never ate in the cafeteria

B.he ate in the cafeteria sometimes but not often

C.he always went back for lunch

D.he often ate in the cafeteria



Long ago, in days of the Roman Empire, people used to believe a god of farming called
“Saturn”. They believed that Saturn could make the weather good or bad, and that he had the power to control how much rain would fall.

Before a Roman farmer would plant his fields, he would try to get Saturn to give him good weather. He believed that if he killed an animal for Saturn, he would make Saturn happy. Then Saturn would make sure that the weather was good.

Not only did the people name a planet after Saturn but they also name a day of the week after him. They called this day “Saturn dies”, Latin words which mean “day of Saturn”. In English those words became Saturday.

(1) What was Saturn believed to be in charge of?


B.The power of nature.


D.Days in a week.

(2) Why did a Roman farmer kill an animal before planting his fields? Because_______.

A.killing an animal would bring him good luck

B.Saturn enjoyed eating animals

C.Saturn was happy to see animals being killed

D.he wanted to please Saturn so that Saturn would make the weather good for his planting

(3) What was the correct order of what a Roman farmer did before planting his fields?

a. observing the weather

b. killing the animal

c. getting his farm tools ready

d. finding an animal

e. offering it to Saturn

f. waiting for good weather to come

A.a,b,c,d,e,f B.a,b,c,f,d,e

C.a,d,b,e,f,c D.e,a,d,b,c,f

(4) Which of the following is NOT TRUE?

A.Saturn is also the name of planet.

B.The Roman people used to believe Saturn to be their god

C.Saturn was named for the last day of the week.

D.Saturn had three meanings.

(5) What’s the purpose of the author to write this passage?

A.How the Romans worshipped Saturn.

B.Why the Romans believed in Saturn.

C.The different meanings of the word Saturn.

D.How Saturday got its name.



Dante Gabriel Rossetti, the famous 19th-century poet and artist, was once approached by an
elderly man. The old fellow had some drawings that he wanted Rossetti to look at and tell him if they were any good, or if they at least showed potential talent. Rossetti looked them over carefully. After the first few, he knew that they were worthless, showing not the least sign of artistic talent. But Rossetti was a kind man, and he told the elderly man as gently as possible that the pictures were without much value and showed little talent. He was sorry, but he could not lie to the man. The visitor was disappointed, but seemed to have expected Rossetti s judgment. He then apologized for taking up Rossetti s time, but would he just look at a few more drawings — these done by a young art student? Rossetti looked over the second group of drawings and immediately became enthusiastic over the talent they revealed. " These," he said, "oh, these are good. This young student has great talent. He has a great future if he will work hard and stick to it." Rossetti could see that the old fellow was deeply moved. "Who is this fine young artist?" he asked. "Your son?" "No," said the old man sadly. "It is me — 40 years ago. If only I had heard your praise then! For you see, I got discouraged and gave up — too soon."

An old man asked Rossetti to______.

A.draw a picture for him

B.teach him how to paint

C.evaluate his drawings

D.help improve his painting skills



Textbook prices are traditionally high. " Combined with the rising cost of tuition, the pr
ice of books for our students is just killing these kids," said Peter Jason, Ph.D. , a local community college professor. Adding to that problem, many college instructors change textbooks year after year: they either upgrade to a new edition or switch to an entirely different textbook. This further hurts students because if an instructor no longer uses a particular textbook, that book has no resale value. Students are one of the poorest groups of people in America. Almost half of them have at least one part-time job. In fact, some even have three jobs and still manage to have high grades and go to school full-time. So Dr. Jason decided to make life a little easier and a lot cheaper for his students by writing his own book on public speaking. He thinks that many books have an increased price because of bells and whistles: CD-ROMs, lots of color photographs, and lots of graphics. He talked to his students, and many of them, like him, prefer to keep things simple. They want to have a book which is brief and concise, not long-winded. A few years ago Dr. Jason finished his own textbook. " Compared to most other public speaking primers(启蒙书), mine is half the number of pages, and one-third the price. That is, $ 30 instead of $ 90. Plus, it is published in a three-ring binder format. So, when I wrote a second edition last year, students only had to buy the 35 new pages and delete 35 of the original pages. For only $ 7.00, they had upgraded to the new edition. I ve had great feedback from my students about this loose-leaf concept. Maybe the word will get out, and more writers and publishers will try it," said Dr. Jason.

What can we learn from Paragraph 1?

A.College textbooks are way too expensive.

B.Students don"t like to sell their own textbooks.

C.Students ask their instructors not to use any textbooks.

D.Some students were rejected by their instructors.



Running late again, I rushed into the Cub Scouts parents meeting, noting the surplus of em
pty chairs. At least, I wasn t the only one running behind, I told myself with great relief. The Cubmaster checked his watch, and with a barely audible sigh, started the meeting. As the Cubmaster explained the challenges that the group faced in the coming year, he pointed out that the empty chairs, which should have been filled with parent volunteers, were our biggest obstacles. As he spoke, I felt a rising sense of guilt mounting within me. Wasnt I looking forward to leaving my seven-year-old in the care of a competent adult while I ran errands? I quickly came to realize that the problem wasn t just about empty chairs: it was also about people like me who were unwilling to sacrifice some of their time to a worthy cause. Before I could change my mind, I raised my hand to volunteer as den (幼年童子军小队)leader. Although I knew next to nothing about teaching a group of noisy and restless second-graders, I was determined to make it work. My first den meeting was as chaotic and noisy as the first day of a county fair. The boys were too excited to sit still. What have I gotten myself into? I wondered, composing a letter of resignation in my head. Much to my surprise, the boys actually enjoyed themselves. They even invited their friends to join our den, and before long, our ranks swelled from four boys to ten. My son was thrilled to have his mom as den leader: it gave him bragging rights on the playground. As I walked through the school s parking lot, it was rare when one of "my" boys didn t call out a greeting or stop me for a quick hug and a story to share. They would talk with me about the little things going on in their lives—whether it was a loose tooth ready to wiggle its way out or a special event coming up. As I watched them, I thought of the empty chairs at that meeting and those who would never know this joy. After all, I gave those boys only one hour of my time every week, but they rewarded me with their hearts.

It is clear that the Cubmaster______.

A.felt sorry for what had happened

B.could hardly control his anger

C.was thankful to whoever had come

D.was disappointed with the situation



根据下面内容,回答题: Dear Cassy,Thanks for reminding me by e-mail that you want to baby-s


Dear Cassy,

Thanks for reminding me by e-mail that you want to baby-sit our children. In spite of the 21 that you are only 12 years old, my wife and I would be 22 to consider your application if you canmeet a few modest 23 :

1. Submit three letters from 24 who will certify that you have never failed to follow directions perfectly in class and never failed to hand in a homework assignment 25.

2. Submit a note from two 26 who will certify that you are in perfect health, have never been sick, and never will be sick.

3. Submit a document from your physical education teacher or team 27 that proves that you can do each of the following: Run two miles in 28 than nine minutes, climb agreased rope to a 29 of twenty feet in thirty seconds while balancing a glass of water on your nose, and walk in bare feet over hot coals and broken glass without complaint or 30.

4. Submit notarized letters from at least two mental health professionals 31 that you have never 32 a jealous, envious, or hostile thought towards any living being Or inanimate object.

5. Play and 33 five expert chess players while blindfolded after going without sleep for 48 hotlrs.

6. Wait 34 for two years while we have private investigators 35 that all your documents are authentic.

Your loving and trusting friends,

The Smiths

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